Ray-Ban and Facebook Partner To Launch The Stories Smart Glasses

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Ray-Ban and Facebook Partner To Launch The Stories Smart Glasses

Ray-Ban and Facebook Partner To Launch The Stories Smart Glasses

As an all-day wearable, the Ray-Ban Stories Smart Glasses come with a specially-designed portable charging case.

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“Our mission is to help build tools that will help people feel connected any time, anywhere,” says Facebook’s Monisha Perkash. “We want to create a sense of social presence, the feeling that you’re right there with another person sharing the same space, regardless of physical distance.” This is the sentiment behind Facebook’s collaboration with Ray-Ban to develop the new Stories Smart Glasses. These classic Wayfarer-style glasses focus on capturing photos and videos rather than augmented reality, which Facebook says it is currently working on developing.

Today, Facebook showed off the Stories Smart Glasses, which are a direct rival to Snapchat’s Spectacles. To the naked eye, the glasses do not look much different than classic Ray-Bans. But the plain appearance conceals an array of smart features: dual 5-megapixel camera sensors, embedded Bluetooth 5.0, and Wi-Fi to synchronize with a phone, a battery, enough storage for 500 pictures, and speakers. A user can snap a photo by pressing and holding a button on the right side of the glasses or can record video by pressing it once. There is also a touch area on the glasses for controlling music, a voice assistant, and calls. Users can swipe left or right to adjust volume, tap to play, pause, and skip music, or double-tap to answer and end phone calls.

The Ray-Ban Stories Smart Glasses are not a stand-alone product, so music and calls are streamed to the glasses from an iPhone or Android phone via Bluetooth. Facebook is requiring the use of an iPhone or Android app called Facebook View, which is used to manage and set up the glasses. When a user takes a photo or video, the media will appear in a section of the app. Users can then choose to download that photo or video to their device for storage and editing. Offered in 20 style combinations, the Facebook Ray-Ban Stories Smart Glasses are available now to purchase.

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