Fern & Roby Turntable

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Fern & Roby Turntable

Fern & Roby Turntable

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For serious audiophiles, there is no replacement for the pure and satisfying sounds that only a vinyl can reproduce. The digital age has put music into the convenience of our hands through our smartphones and portable music players, but when it comes to really listening to music there is nothing like the lossless playback from a turntable. There is something very tactile and satisfying about selecting your music carefully, putting extra effort into placing your selection onto the turntable, and enjoying that moment of anticipation before sound resonates from your speakers.

As if to capture the essence of this analogue experience, Fern & Roby has created the appropriately named Turntable. The cast and turned 35-pound bronze platter that has been balanced to 1000 rpm sits on top of a 70-pound cast iron plinth that has been designed to reduce resonance and dampen vibration throughout the system. The form that was created out of function is elegant while staying truly timelessly modern in execution. The cast iron contrasted with the sleek bronze and wooden pieces lend an organic and tactile look to the whole setup.

With more and more albums going direct to digital release, an item like the Fern & Roby Turntable may seem old fashioned by many, but maybe an attractive package like this can recapture the romance we have lost from pursuing convenience over quality in this digital age.

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