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Grate Outdoors Cheese Plate

A cheese plate set with a petite, axe-shaped cheese knife that perfectly compliments the log-sliced cheese plate, inspiring your guests for not only seconds but also for an adventure.

Serving chips and dips while entertaining guests at home is fine if you and your buddies are playing Call of Duty or Titan Fall in your man cave, but for other occasions when you and your guests are involved in actual conversations and grown-up situations, you need to have more on the plate than just a bag of Lays. Cheese is an easy way to bring a whiff of sophistication to your party without the need for extensive preparation or effort, especially if it’s served on the Grate Outdoors Cheese Plate.

The Grate Outdoors Cheese Plate offers a playful way to lighten up your serving while still keeping things sophisticated. The petite, axe-shaped cheese knife perfectly compliments the log-sliced cheese plate, inspiring your guests for not only seconds but also for an adventure. If you’re worried about not knowing what cheese to serve on this excellent cheese plate, just make sure it’s not something you’d use on your grilled cheese sandwich or pizza. Hint, smoked gouda is always a party pleaser, unless you have a cheese snob in the group.