The Kamp-Rite Compact Tent Cot Double Offers A More Comfortable Way To Camp

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$ 250
The Kamp-Rite Compact Tent Cot Double Offers A More Comfortable Way To Camp

The Kamp-Rite Compact Tent Cot Double Offers A More Comfortable Way To Camp

Say goodbye to long nights tossing and turning on the ground while camping with the Kamp-Rite Compact Tent Cot Double.

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$ 250

Love camping but hate sleeping on the hard ground? Tired of ground-dwelling bugs continuously infesting your tent? The Kamp-Rite Compact Tent Cot Double could be your ideal solution. It’s like a tent in that it sleeps two people and can be set up anywhere, so you’ll still be privy to everything you love about camping. What makes it really neat is that it’s elevated off the ground, providing a more comfortable sleeping shelter for you and your camping buddy.

Built with a heavy-duty durable steel frame, equipped with interior storage pouches, and featuring zippered windows, the Kamp-Rite Compact Tent Cot Double offers a more comfortable way to camp. Once you’re done using it, it easily and conveniently collapses and folds so it can be secured, transported and stored until the next time you head off into the great outdoors. Say goodbye to the hard damp ground you’d be sleeping on when camping in a tent and say hello to the Kamp-Rite Compact Tent Cot Double.

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