KeySmart Air: Key Organizer And Case For Apple Airtag

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KeySmart Air: Key Organizer And Case For Apple Airtag

KeySmart Air: Key Organizer And Case For Apple Airtag

The first key holder that fits the new Apple AirTag.

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For anyone who’s ever spent useless minutes searching for their keys, an AirTag could really make a difference. The KeySmart Air is an easy way to hold an AirTag while simultaneously organizing up to 5 keys plus a car key. Use the AirTag holder to connect it to the keys and then check the app if they’re ever missing in action.

KeySmart is known for its Tile app, but the company is providing an option for those who like their tags more than their tiles. AirTags are reliable and pair perfectly with Apple devices. Plus, the product is easy to assemble and includes a bumper that protects the AirTag from all sides from drops and scuffs.

People who want to slim down the bulk of their keys will appreciate just how minimalist this item is. It’s pocket-friendly, so it can be slipped whole into a pair of jeans or cargo shorts without the hassle. Stain and water-resistant, the SmartShield™ leather can last up to 10 times longer than its traditional counterparts. It includes a carabiner that will hold keys on one side (an engineering feature that streamlines the look and the functionality of the device). It’s simple to remove the screw, place the AirTag, and add the keys.

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