Glask Baseball Glove Flask

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Glask Baseball Glove Flask

Glask Baseball Glove Flask

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Baseball and booze: it’s an all-American mixture that rivals the time-honored combo of mom and apple pie. Well, whether you’re participating in our national pastime or simply watching the action from the stands, the Glask baseball glove flask can help get you into the spirit of the game by allowing you to enjoy your favorite beverages on the go.

This is no prop or novelty item. The Glask baseball glove flask functions just like a traditional right-handed throw glove and can be used for an impromptu game of catch, during team training, and in friendly neighborhood competitions. Composed of a state-of-the-art synthetic material, it replicates the exact look and feel of and authentic leather glove.

Amazingly, this product is also a fully functional flask. The glove comes equipped with a back pocket that is specifically designed to hold an 8-ounce disposable flask. Sports and recreation aficionados who purchase the Glask receive three of these flasks upfront, and replacement flasks can be acquired separately. The Glask product package also includes a funnel that is specifically designed to fill each flask without spilling a drop. How you empty it is up to you!

So don’t be surprised if you see an outfielder tipping his glove to his lips during those boring stretches between active play. You may want to ask him for a sip.

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