Zeiss Otus 1.4/100 Telephoto Lens

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$ 4,500
Zeiss Otus 1.4/100 Telephoto Lens

Zeiss Otus 1.4/100 Telephoto Lens

The Zeiss Otus line of prime lenses gets a new portrait lens that absolutely excels wide open.

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$ 4,500

The 130-year-old German optics company never rests. Zeiss’s flagship line of prime lenses, the Otus, gets a new portrait lens. The fourth lens in the Otus collection, the 100mm F1.4 doesn’t disappoint in image quality and build quality. This big and beautiful lens is not only usable wide open, but it is actually optimal wide open, as it absolutely excels in F1.4. So no need to stop down a bit for that crispy, super-sharp portrait.

Compatible with Canon EF and Nikon F mount cameras, this Sonnar-construction lens can lend the 35mm format the appearance and quality of a medium format with exceptional resolution and sharpness. Its apochromatic design, aspherical lenses, and high-quality T* coating correct chromatic aberrations, minimize lens flare, eliminate color fringing, and boost overall image contrast.

The lens measures 129mm long without the lens cap (152mm with lens cap), 101mm in max diameter, and 1405 grams (Canon EF) or 1336 grams (Nikon F) in weight. The minimum focusing distance is 1 meter. Since the Otus is a completely manual lens, it might be tricky to hit the focus right at first, but as any analog camera user will tell you, you’ll get used to it faster than you think.

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