Make Waves With The YuJet Surfer, The Jet-Powered Surfboard

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$ 9,999
Make Waves With The YuJet Surfer, The Jet-Powered Surfboard

Make Waves With The YuJet Surfer, The Jet-Powered Surfboard

The YuJet Surfer is an electric, jet-powered, surfboard that allows you to surf over any body of water.

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$ 9,999

You’ve seen surfboards and paddle boards, but have you ever seen a YuJet? The YuJet Surfer is a fully electric, carbon fiber built, jet-powered surf board that allows riders to make their own waves. Literally. The YuJet gives riders and surfers the luxury of not having to worry about tides. This electric surfboard is powered by a 36 mAh lithium ion battery that provides the rider with up to 40 minutes or 16 miles of riding. It’s quick too, capable of reaching speeds of 24 miles per hour. YuJet surfers can manage their speed thanks to a wireless handheld trigger controller. YuJet states that surfers can learn to ride this electric jet surfboard within five minutes. It comes with two modes: beginner and sport.

YuJet equips their jet-powered electric surfboard with a set of four detachable fins. Remove the fins for easier transportation. Thanks to its fully carbon fiber construction the YuJet is no heavier than traditional surfboards with a weight of just 20 pounds. This premium surfboard is basically a jet engine you can ride over water, and backed by a YuJet warranty.

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