The Evolution of F1 Steering Wheels

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The Evolution of F1 Steering Wheels

The Evolution of F1 Steering Wheels

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The spirit of competition can be a huge driving force for innovation; it’s what makes us want to better ourselves, not to be out done by the competition. This competitive spirit is the foundation of motorsports, with the pinnacle of it being Formula 1 where technology, engineering, talent, and luck play a crucial role in shaving off every 0.1 second that determines where each team and driver gets placed on the podium. That’s why many breakthroughs in the automotive industry happen on the racetrack, where teams and manufacturers try to one up the opposition to maintain their competitive edge.

To visually demonstrate the evolution driven by competition that happens in motorsports, the folks at Donut Media have created a video that showcases one of the most important and intimate parts from historic F1 cars, the steering wheels. From weathered steering wheels from the early days of F1 to modern button-laden steering wheels that control pretty much every aspect of the vehicle, it’s a fascinating look at the world of motorsport from a uniquely intimate point of view.

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