Space Saving Domino Loft in SF

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Space Saving Domino Loft in SF

Space Saving Domino Loft in SF

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There’s nothing new about high real estate prices in dense cities like New York and San Francisco. It’s gotten to the point where even a large sum of money will get you less than a meaningful amount of space, but that seems to be the trade off of living in a highly desirable area within the city. Most people just end up plopping down a mattress in an apartment that’s usually smaller than the size of many walk-in closets, but a space saving loft in San Francisco gives us hope as to how a small space can transform into a truly useful home.

Designed by ICOSA and Peter Suen, the Domino Loft is a thoughtfully designed home that breaks away from traditional elements that we have come to expect from a home for a multi-purpose space that puts the small square footage to work. The space can transform for a variety of functions, including for work, dining, and lounging and sleeping quarters for up to four people. With more people filing up their homes with unnecessary junk that force us to seek out more space, the Domino Loft is a breath of fresh air that shows us how good design can transform how we think of our home and how we live.

Via Contepmporist

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