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MOTOPED Survival Bike

한번에 최대 482km까지 달릴수 있는 MOTOPED Survival Bike.

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Survival Bike‘라는 이름에 전쟁터에서 주로 사용될 것 같은 디자인의 이 자전거는 사실 모터사이클과 자전거의 장점만을 모아 제작한, 매우 가볍고 뛰어난 연비를 자랑하는 커뮤트용 바이크이다. 하지만 수많은 장비들을 싣고 매달 수 있는 마운트와 사이드에 달려있는 추가 연료통 덕분에 쉬지 않고 최대 250마일(약 402km) ~ 300마일(약 482km)를 달릴 수 있는 주행거리 덕분에 마음만 먹으면 정말 쉬지 않고 서울에서 부산까지 냅다 달려갈 수 있는 체력을 가지고 있다. 휴가철에 딱히 계획 없다면 이거 타고 대한민국 한 바퀴 쓰윽- 돌고 와도 괜찮을듯.

MOTOPED Survival Bike

MOTOPED Survival Bike

Tactical and military inspired bike from MOTOPED is your blank canvas.

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The only time we’ll ever get close to doing anything tactical is holding our Xbox controller to play CoD, but men seem to have a strange fascination with tactical gear. It’s not like we’re going to get our overly large rear end to do anything tactical, but it’s the principle of honing your gear down to the bare essential and that sense of minimalist purity that really speaks to us.

MOTOPED makes excellent commuter bikes that’s lightweight, clever, and fuel efficient by combining the best aspects of a bicycle and a motorcycle. They took their formula for the perfect commuter bike and made it into a tactical blank canvas for those that rebel and pave their own way, with the MOTOPED Survival Bike. The military-inspired bike comes outfitted with a universal rack that can accept a myriad of bolt-on mounts, harness, and accessories so you can pack it anyway you can imagine. So become that creative survivalist you’ve dreamt of being and take your favorite gear and escape with the MOTOPED Survival Bike.