Mazu Thirtyeight

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Mazu Thirtyeight

Mazu Thirtyeight

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A designer, manufacturer, and marketer of open and hardtop luxury yachts for six years, Mazu Yachts is renowned for creating sleek and aggressive looking planing vessels using a cold-molded system. Its unique building technique gives birth to hulls that are exceedingly light and strong.

Mazu’s holistic production approach is exemplified by its high-tech facilities, which features design offices that overlook the factory floor. This engenders an environment in which technology and art, engineering and craftsmanship, become one and the same. The beauty and grace of these yachts are a worthy tribute of Mazu’s namesake, the indigenous Chinese goddess of the sea.

The exceptional results of the Mazu process are evident in the Mazu Thirtyeight. Measuring 39 feet in length and sporting a 12-foot beam, this yacht is both highly maneuverable and exceptionally fast. It features a cruising speed of 30 knots but can easily push 36 knots when necessary.

Perhaps the most attractive feature of the Mazu Thirtyeight, its Volvo Penta IPS engine has become the standard-bearer when it comes to inboard pod systems for luxury leisure boats. Highly efficient and environmentally friendly, this engine offers a number of benefits over conventional inboard shafts including a 40 percent longer cruising range, a 20 percent higher top speed, a 30 percent reduction in fuel consumption, a 30 percent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions, and a 50 percent reduction in noise level. It also offers superior handling and general onboard comfort.

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