Espresso Veloce Nero Carbonio 380

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Espresso Veloce Nero Carbonio 380

Espresso Veloce Nero Carbonio 380

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The simple fact of the matter is that a cup of delicious, caffeine-filled espresso is only as good as the equipment you use to make it with. Sure, you could try to make a nice cup of espresso with that ratty old machine you inherited from your parents when you moved into your first apartment… but do you really want to? That thing has absolutely seen better days, but luckily your best days are still in front of you.

The Espresso Veloce Nero Carbonio 380 was designed from the ground up to be the last espresso machine you’ll ever need in more ways than one. It’s a single serve, ground coffee capsule type espresso maker with Grappa Dispenser that weighs just a slender 47 lbs. With dimensions of 15″ by 16.5” by 13″, it’s the perfect size to fit in nearly any space in your kitchen. It offers an anodized satin black engine V block and anodized bright black cylinder heads that, when combined with the sophisticated jet-black high pressure thermostat carbon fibre allow it to be as attractive as it is powerful. All components are manufactured in anticorodal stainless steel and titanium, creating something powerful enough to stand the test of time to the point where you may just be handing it down to your own kids one day.

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