Dreem Headband

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Dreem Headband

Dreem Headband

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The Dreem Headband is, quite simply, a pinnacle of sleep technology. While there are plenty of apps and gadgets out there that have gained attention for tracking sleep, few of those solutions — if any — provide the technology to also improve your sleep quality. The Dreem Headband appears equipped to do just that.

To properly track your sleep data, you need pinpoint accurate measurements, and the Dreem uniquely uses innovate sensors and advanced algorithms to provide lab standard accuracy as you sleep. What makes the Dreem different?

For starters, the headband has gained international attention for its sensors that are embedded in the forehead and around the ears to effectively measure the sleeper’s brain waves. Once those sensors detect a deep sleep is taking place, the headband turns on gentle “pink noise”, which creates an ocean-like sound effect that coaxes the brain to stay in deep sleep for a longer period.

This innovation is a helpful step toward transitioning from deep sleep to the rapid eye movement (REM) state, the most beneficial sleep state for the body. In addition to state of the art sleep tracking and performance, the wearable is also made for comfortable sleep, thanks to propriety dry and washable sensors.

And, if you are worried about your physical health as well as your privacy in an increasingly digital age, rest assured that the Dreem Headband works without the need for Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. This keeps your personal information secure while also ensuring your body is not exposed to any negative effects from harmful microwave radiation.

Dreem is clearly leaving no stone unturned as it strives to set itself apart in the increasingly ompetitive sleep tracking and sleep aid industry. With this headband that is now available for pre-order, it seems likely that Dreem is poised to achieve its lofty goals.

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