A Scooter, But Make It Luxury

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$ 4,999+
A Scooter, But Make It Luxury

A Scooter, But Make It Luxury

Each Dragonfly Hyperscooter set to be released in the summer of 2020 comes with a Lumos Matrix helmet and other exclusive accessories.

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$ 4,999+

The world’s first luxury scooter is here. With models starting at just 32 pounds, the super lightweight Dragonfly Hyperscooter can reach speeds of up to 38 mph with a battery range of 28 miles. Powered by dual motors that deliver 1,800 watts per wheel, the scooter’s low center of gravity and excellent traction ensures stability — whether it’s being driven at low or high speeds. The Dragonfly Hyperscooter also features state-of-the-art technology including single-handed operation, an RFID key fob, automotive-grade lighting, multiple alarm systems, and a nimble turning radius optimal for driving through heavily trafficked areas.

The first production run is set for release in the summer of 2020 and will be limited to just 500 units. A $100 deposit reserves your pre-order as well as extras including a signed Dragonfly Hyperscooter with a unique serial number. You’ll also get a Lumos Matrix helmet in your choice of matte black or gloss white, a limited edition D-Fly jacket, and other exclusive accessories commemorating the initial release.

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