Audi e-tron Scooter

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Audi e-tron Scooter

Audi e-tron Scooter

At only 26 lbs, the scooter’s portable design makes it easy to fold up and stow away in the back of your car.

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Electric alternatives to conventional automobiles are more popular than ever. Scooters have become an especially prevalent option. Instead of trying to buck that trend, Audi looks to embrace it. The Audi e-tron Scooter synthesizes the design of an electric scooter with a skateboard-like base that makes it easy to ride. Its design is unlike typical electric scooters that feature a narrow two wheel base that can be as difficult to stay on top of as a balance beam. Since most riders aren’t Olympic-level gymnasts, Audi’s e-scooter concept makes handling the sporty ride easy enough to do with one hand.

On top of its ease of use, the e-tron Scooter is engineered to be lightweight and portable. At only 26 lbs, folding up the scooter and stowing it in the back of your car or carrying it onto public transportation makes it an ideal option for navigating densely trafficked areas without having to be stuck in gridlock. Production is planned to have the scooter for sale in late 2020.

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