The importance of wearing a bike helmet cannot be understated, but that doesn’t mean we have to like it. Even if you don’t mind strapping on your helmet for riding, you certainly don’t want the hassle of toting it into the office or juggling it throughout dinner with friends.
The Stack Collapsible Helmet from 174HUDSON solves these problems perhaps better than most by quickly transforming from a full-size double-safety US- and EU-certified bike helmet to a flattened slab that is nearly half its original size. For even greater portability, the Stack Collapsible Helmet weighs just 330 grams.
The Stack Collapsible Helmet provides with hidden air vents for greater ventilation, an adjustable elastic strap for maximum comfort, and a dependable locking mechanism that secures the helmet in its expanded position. The Stack Collapsible Helmet comes in two different sizes and four different color combinations.