Sveres Jumbo Ice Ball Tray

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Sveres Jumbo Ice Ball Tray

Sveres Jumbo Ice Ball Tray

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Many people don’t realize just how important ice is to a nice, stiff drink until it’s too late. When you put an ice cube in a glass of whiskey, you’re not doing it to water it down — that’s what amateurs do. You’re not an amateur, are you? Of course you’re not. You’re doing it to make it stronger. To unlock that rich, wonderful flavor. But if you put too much ice in, or spend too much time trying to make ice in the first place, you’ve suddenly got a situation on your hands and that glass of whiskey is ruined. Ruined! You don’t want that and we don’t, either — which is why the Sveres Jumbo Ice Ball Tray is here to save the day.

The Sveres Jumbo Ice Ball Tray is built from the ground up to make six jumbo ice balls at once — perfect for everything from a nice glass of scotch in the evening to that “day drinking” session on a Saturday you’ve been looking forward to all week. Each ball measures 2.5 inches in diameter, meaning you only need one to get the job done. Funnels are built into each cavity to allow for effortless filling and the water line lets you know when to stop so you make perfect ice balls every time. Forget about twisting, say goodbye to “banging” — this is the last ice tray you’re ever going to need.

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