Stepping Stone House

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Stepping Stone House

Stepping Stone House

Originally just a lakeside manor prone to flooding, this house now features actual stepping stones across a swimmable lake in the garden.

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Customized specifically for a flood zone and a family with five boys, the Stepping Stone House is another whimsical Hamish & Lyons original that makes the very most of its challenges. Actual stepping stones form a path across the home’s main feature – a swimming lake surrounded by a soothing garden of ferns – and illuminated water dances over them at night, perfectly expressing its themes of playfulness and peacefulness.

The Stepping Stone House is actually a series of houses, but the property was originally just a lakeside manor prone to flooding. Today, a pair of pre-fabricated, steel-framed new buildings (a guest house and multifunctional living area) are just a glass bridge away from the main home, with glass walls that open and stilts that actually make it possible to swim underneath them. This English masterpiece embraces natural elements while encouraging its residents to do the same.  

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