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  • 모드 선택 모드 선택
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How many times have you been out and about, minding your own business only to realize that your smartphone battery is about to die. “Oh no!” you say to yourself, while sweat builds up on your brow. “But I’m on my way to an important appointment and I have no idea where I’m going! I need to be able to get turn-by-turn directions and check my fantasy baseball draft! My phone can’t die now! Not now!” You scream to the heavens, begging for forgiveness, all while that smartphone charge ticks slowly down to zero. Wouldn’t you love to be able to guarantee that you would never find yourself in this situation again?

That, in essence, is what Powrtabs are all about. In one convenient package you get up to four full hours of extra battery life, regardless of the size or type of smartphone or mobile device that you have. You get access to totally wireless charging whenever you need it, wherever you need it — no exceptions. The biodegradable shell even makes Powrtabs very easy to recycle, doing your part to help make sure your mobile device never dies and protect the environment at the same time – if you care about that sort of thing. Plus, with a five year shelf life, you’ve got all of these benefits for the long-term — blow through them right away or save them for when it really matters. The choice is yours and yours alone.

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