Potential X FocusBuds

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$ 269+
Potential X FocusBuds

Potential X FocusBuds

The earbuds provide augmented insights, personalized music for productivity, a machine learning platform, and Bluetooth 5.0.

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$ 269+

Distractions come in all shapes and sizes. It can be a text on your phone, an annoying laugh echoing through your workspace, an email notification, or even a car horn from outside your window. Whenever you try to stay focused on the task at hand, it can seem like the world is conspiring against you in your quest for peace and quiet. This is where the Potential X Focusbuds can help you out. These earbuds are the first to use EEG neurofeedback to monitor brain activity. This way, if the earbuds notice you are becoming distracted they will vibrate or provide other auditory feedback to help you re-establish your concentration.

These wireless headphones are more than just EEG monitors though. The earbuds also provide augmented insights, personalized music for productivity, a machine learning platform, and Bluetooth 5.0. With this technology, Bluetooth connectivity enables the Potential X Focusbuds to learn from your interactions with certain devices and provide adaptive guidance to boost your productivity.

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