Never Touch A Shared Surface Again With This Tool

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$ 35
Never Touch A Shared Surface Again With This Tool

Never Touch A Shared Surface Again With This Tool

The Peel Brass Keychain Touch Tool harnesses the antimicrobial properties of the metal alloy to help limit your contact to germs.

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$ 35

Brass doorknobs have been around about as long as doors have — but why brass and not some different metal? The answer lies in the surface of the unvarnished alloy: most bacteria, viruses, and microbes die out after coming in contact with it. The Peel Brass Keychain Touch Tool makes the most of that elemental property. Peel uses the anti-microbial properties of brass to deliver a multifunction tool that can push buttons, open doors, and even remove that pesky cap from your favorite beer bottle, all without requiring you to sully your hands.

From the elevator to the ATM, the doors of your favorite lunch joint to the lobby back at work, you come into a lot of surface contact that can be easily avoided. Keep germs, bacteria, and viruses from spreading without needing to pull on a pair of sweaty gloves or douse yourself in hand sanitizer. MacGyver your way in with the Peel Brass Keychain Touch Tool and be “that guy” who always has a bottle opener handy when it’s needed most. Cut from solid 360 brass, this tool will patina with use, giving it the charming look of an old heirloom.

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