Brass Decorative Turkey Leg - IMBOLDN
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Brass Decorative Turkey Leg

A full scale cast decorative turkey leg made of brass. Do with it as you see fit.

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Home decoration can be very tricky and subjective, making it a mysterious art for many guys. Does this color go well with that material? Does this fluffy thing go well with that shiny object that seems to have no practical use what so ever? It’s time to go beyond your home’s bare decor of white walls and IKEA furniture, but where to start?

Why not throw convention out the window and add a touch of humor while decorating your space with this full scale brass cast of an actual turnkey leg? Brass Decorative Turkey Leg is strangely satisfying to look at, resembling the very turkey leg that you’d get at an amusement park or carnival. It’s designed to amuse and befuddle, making it a great addition to any room, humorous enough for people to appreciate and add character to your home without feeling like you’ve transitioned into the world of interior decoration.