Olive Max 2-in-1 Earbuds Aim To Improve Lives

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$ 299+
Olive Max 2-in-1 Earbuds Aim To Improve Lives

Olive Max 2-in-1 Earbuds Aim To Improve Lives

Olive Max adaptive hearing technology brings music to the ears of individuals with hearing loss.

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$ 299+

The Olive Max 2-in-1adaptive hearing aid and earbuds are a product everyone can get behind. This innovative hearing aid product doubles as earbuds, allowing listeners with hearing loss to enjoy the benefits of both technologies at once. The Olive Max is an upgrade from the previously released Olive Pro, offering 150 percent more volume than its predecessor. Living with hearing loss is difficult, and Olive Max aims to make it easier. These smart hearing aids have a modern look and are secure with an ear hook, so the wearer enjoys comfort and hands-free calling and music functions. Adaptive hearing technology adjusts based on the environment, and setup takes five minutes to complete.

The Olive Max provides 99.8 percent total harmonic accuracy. The built-in artificial intelligence captures data and analyzes it to adjust the user’s hearing profile. These cutting-edge advancements and automatic noise reduction result in top-notch audio quality, unmatchable clarity, and sharp conversations. The Olive Pro was a revolutionary product for individuals with hearing loss. The team at Olive Union in California listened to customer reviews, and the result is the incomparable Olive Max. The product has far surpassed its Indiegogo funding goal and is now available for pre-purchase with an estimated shipping date of November 2022.

For additional tech news, check out the MagEZ Slider, the ultimate 4 In 1 charger.

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