June Intelligent Oven

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June Intelligent Oven

June Intelligent Oven

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The June Intelligent Oven is more than just a traditional oven — it’s a partner in the kitchen in every sense of the word. It literally learns what you’re cooking — the June identifies exactly what you’re working on through its camera, allowing it to use its built-in Internet connectivity to suggest exactly how you should make it. Not only that, but it takes things one step further by allowing you to track your meal from anywhere. Using that same camera, in association with precision time and temperature sensors, you can monitor the cooking process via the June app on your smartphone, watch or tablet. Do you need to run outside for a minute but don’t want to risk leaving your food unmonitored? Don’t worry about it — June will take care of it.

The June Intelligent Oven also just so happens to be better than most other ovens in non-Internet functionality, as well. The dual convection fans allow you to cook not only 33% faster, but also more evenly than other built-in or countertop ovens. The unit also features carbon fiber heating elements, meaning that you get a more thorough and more efficient cook than ever before. And again, did we mention that you can watch your food cook on the Internet? Because that’s something pretty cool that we feel you should definitely be more excited about.

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