‘Dronescapes’ by Dronestagram

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‘Dronescapes’ by Dronestagram

‘Dronescapes’ by Dronestagram

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While drones may seem like a concept straight out of science fiction, they are now a part of everyday life and are used by the military, for packaged delivery by Amazon or for aerial photography.

Aerial photography, specifically, is arguably the greatest showcase for how drones are pushing artistic achievement and photography to new heights. Dronescapes, a new book created in collaboration with Dronestagram, is a book celebrating the very best aerial images created by drones.

Quadcopters around the world captures our planet, cities and landscapes from eye-opening new vantage points, with the book providing extended commentary for each individual shot. Iconic locations like Christ the Redeemer are captured via a stunning bird’s eye view, and pictures taken mere inches from an eagle in flight offer newfound appreciation for the avian wonders flying above us.

As you take in the mesmerizing imagery, the book also offers technical advice on selecting the right drone model and how to use the drone most effectively. The contributors to the book ensure this advice is not to be missed since Dronestagram is the leading drone photography website and the author, Ayperi Karabuda Ecer, is a photo editor whose previous work experience included serving as Reuters’ vice president of pictures.

If you have any interest whatsoever in aerial photography, Dronescapes comes as an easy recommendation.

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