Primus CampFire Prep Set

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Primus CampFire Prep Set

Primus CampFire Prep Set

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So you’re roughing it because that inexplicably seemed like a good idea. You’re camping out. Getting back to nature. Sleeping in sleeping bags. In tents without locks, security cams or motion detectors. Shitting in the woods and using poison sumac for cleanup. Good for you.

But that doesn’t mean you have to rough it, rough it. You’re still planning to bring along movies to play on your phone or tablet until your batteries all die. Hey, be sure to take along Grizzly Man. Great flick to see when you’re out in the wilderness.

The point is, anything you can do to minimize the discomfort, humiliation and tedium to tears of overnight camping is a good thing. Which is why we’re proud to introduce you to the Primus CampFire Prep Set. It might restore at least some of your stolen dignity. The CampFire Prep Set is a fold-up, roll-out polycotton cutlery kit that holds a bunch of wooden cooking utensils, a grater and a knife sharp enough to hopefully frighten off that charging lovesick moose.

When you’re done serving up your char-burned campfire delicacy, simply reload your cutlery into the kit and toss it in your car for later wash up when you get back to civilization. There’s even an additional pocket for other stuff you’ll bring along. Like an extra cell phone for dialing 911 when your poison sumac symptoms start to kick up.

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