PLOOTA Safety Device for Swimmers

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PLOOTA Safety Device for Swimmers

PLOOTA Safety Device for Swimmers

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While most people associate a day at the pool or at the beach with fun and good times, others aren’t as fortunate. In fact, it’s estimated that about 3,500 Americans die by unintentional drowning each year — and about one-fifth of these fatalities involve children 14 and under. Yes, there are ways to prevent drowning, such as life jackets and other flotation devices, but let’s face it, unless it’s required, these aren’t things that people — especially children — want to be wearing at the public pool or beach.

That’s where PLOOTA comes into the picture. Specifically, it’s a rink-like device that’s worn around the neck that senses when swimmers may be in danger of drowning. Upon detecting this threat, PLOOTA transforms into a flotation device by releasing inflatable cushions to bring swimmers safely back up to the surface of the water for oxygen. A device such as this can allow parents to relax when on a family vacation, can provide additional safety for surfers and water sports enthusiasts and can, ultimately, save lives. What’s more is it’s lightweight and practically unnoticeable when worn.

When you’re in a car accident, your seat belt restrains you and air bags deploy to protect you. PLOOTA is like an air bag for while you’re in the water, helping to provide peace of mind should the unthinkable occur.

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