Penna Retro Bluetooth Keyboard

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Penna Retro Bluetooth Keyboard

Penna Retro Bluetooth Keyboard

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From handlebar moustaches to home pickling, retro styles and lifestyle choices have never been more popular. However, even the most anachronistic among us tend to enjoy the smart phones, tablets, and other modern devices that make our lives so much easier and so much fun. Are you a fan of classic and outmoded consumer designs who wants to have your cake and eat it too? Then the Penna Retro Bluetooth Keyboard may be just what you’ve been looking for.

Widely known for incorporating antiquated design elements into modern household appliances, Elretron, INC., worked for more than three years to get this project exactly right, and the results are striking. The Penna Retro Bluetooth Keyboard connects remotely for use with any digital tablet device, but this is a product that offers much more than the mere convenience of a full-size keyboard.

For fans of the look and feel of traditional manual typewriters, the Penna Retro Bluetooth Keyboard delivers all the goods. Sleekly and beautifully designed, this product features either diamond-shaped 4AXIS keycaps or circular-shaped retro chrome keycaps that conjure images of an iconic 1950s business office. It also features multiple realistic manual typing sounds and a “macro bar” that resembles a conventional typewriter arm. By pushing the macro bar upward, users can record typing and save it for subsequent transfer to a connected tablet.

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