Norton Core Router

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Norton Core Router

Norton Core Router

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The presidential election of 2016 revealed a lot of painful truths about the world we’re living in. One of the more surprising facts that were revealed was how little we understood cybersecurity and our vulnerabilities associated with it. Norton and their robust network of online security experts have combined their knowledge to create a product that will holistically protect your home from hackers and cybercriminals.

The Norton Core Router is the culmination of Norton’s security expertise, cutting-edge machine learning technology, and Symantec’s global intelligence network. It protects every device connected to its net worth from malware, virus, hacking, and more. It also offers a secure network that’s powerful enough to support the highest level of performance, as it comes with a 1.7Ghz dual core processor, 802.11ac Wifi, and 4×4 MU-MIMO foundation to achieve maximum throughput speeds of 2.5Gbps.

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