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Nano Cure Self Healing Tent

Composed of multiple layers of tiny interlocking nylon chains, the Nano Cure Self Healing Tent can repair punctures by itself.

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Nothing can ruin a camping trip faster than a hole in your tent. Even if you have a good patch kit handy, who wants to get up in the middle of a late-night rainstorm to stop a persistent leak?

A lifestyle brand based in Tacoma, Washington, Imperial Motion presents an incredible solution to this ordinary problem with the Nano Cure Self Healing Tent. As amazing as it sounds, this tent does just what its name implies — with the help of a simple rub of the finger, the Nano Cure can fix small puncture holes with no equipment or supplies whatsoever. The Nano Cure’s NCT canvas is composed of multiple layers of tiny interlocking nylon chains. When punctured by a sharp object, these layers simply shift and bend as the object passes through. After the object is removed, all it takes is a little massaging with a warm finger to get the woven mesh patterns of each nylon layer to resume their original shape. As they do, small puncture holes will seem to repair themselves.