Hyundai Card Travel Library by Wonderwall

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Hyundai Card Travel Library by Wonderwall

Hyundai Card Travel Library by Wonderwall

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Hyundai Card, the second largest credit card provider in South Korea, is no stranger to fun and creative marketing. In order to boost its brand awareness in the past, the company has hosted a series of Super Concerts featuring globally renowned artists such as Lady Gaga, Eminem and Metallica and Super Matches involving tennis superstars Andy Roddick and Novak Djokovic. The company’s latest marketing ploy was to build a Travel Library in the heart of Seoul’s Gangnam district, which includes a floor-to-ceiling bookcase shelved with 15,000 books dedicated to travel, architecture, and photography. When asked about the concept of the Hyundai Card Travel Library, Wonderwall’s Japanese interior designer Katayama Masamichi commented, “I designed it to be an amusement park full of knowledge about travel and where you can experience travel in advance.” And quite conveniently, there’s even a ticket counter within the library where you could purchase your travel itinerary if you’re itching to hit the road.

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