Handgrey Bauhaus K80

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Handgrey Bauhaus K80

Handgrey Bauhaus K80

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When we see a carabiner keychain attached to a jean belt buckle, it’s hard not to associate it with hipsters. Obviously, there had to be good reason to utilize them as keychains and there is no denying its utility and convenience, allowing easy organization and access to your keys. Despite the fact that they make for great key chains, their original designs were for rock climbing or other activities, normally associated with safety. Maybe hipsters saw irony in diluting the use of a well engineered piece of equipment to do something trivial.

Instead of using an object that was never meant to be used as a keychain, Handgrey carabiners are first and foremost designed as quality keychains, making sure that it packs all the convenience of traditional carabiners but enhancing its functionality as a keychain. The Hardgrey Bauhaus K80 may be the ultimate carabiner keychain, as its number 8 inspired design not only looks great but is more light weight and easier to use as well, also serving as an emergency bottle opener. The fact that it comes in two beautiful hand-brushed or stone-tumbled finishes makes the Bauhaus K80 even more appealing.

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