‘The World is Your Burger: A Cultural History’ by David Michaels

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‘The World is Your Burger: A Cultural History’ by David Michaels

‘The World is Your Burger: A Cultural History’ by David Michaels

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If you take a moment to think back on all the good moments in your life – the truly excellent times where everything seemed to go your way — they likely all have one factor in common. There was a constant throughout all of these times — something that was always there for you, through thick and thin. No, it’s not your significant other. No, it wasn’t your parents. No, it wasn’t even a person. It was the hamburger. The tasty, delectable treat that always knew how to take a good memory and turn it into a great one effortlessly.

For the true burger aficionados out there, you now have just the book you need to show your gratitude — The World is Your Burger: A Cultural History by David Michaels. It’s an encyclopedic volume that is equal parts history lesson and tribute opportunity, featuring exclusive interviews with culinary icons, never-before-seen photographs from iconic burger brands like McDonald’s and even incredible recipes that you can start using to take your own burger efforts to the next level. It’s the type of essential tome that lets you cement your passion for one of the country’s greatest dishes for now and for all time and one that features a compelling (and mouthwatering) journey at the center of it all. Just don’t try to eat it — because it is a book, remember.

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