The Forge Drakkar Longboard

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The Forge Drakkar Longboard

The Forge Drakkar Longboard

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Otherwise known as “dragon-ships,” traditional Viking longships were built specifically for the purposes of raiding and war. Unlike the boats that the Vikings built for fishing or ferrying passengers and/or cargo, these ships could sail equally well in extremely deep and extremely shallow water. This enabled them to travel across the sea to new lands and then travel up rivers to mount effective attacks. After landing on a beach, Vikings could quickly exit these vessels to begin fighting. If the battle turned against them, their longships could be readily put back to sea for a hasty retreat.

Inspired by the legendary Viking longship, the Brooklyn art studio and product design firm The Forge created the Drakkar Longboard to bring similar levels of speed, toughness, and versatility to the world of skateboarding. This beautiful and functional limited-run product epitomizes The Forge’s commitment to, in the words of philosopher Frédéric Lenoir, “cultivate wonder” and “never stop admiring beauty, harmony, and goodness in the world.”

A modern industrial take on the traditional longboard-style skateboard, the Drakkar Longboard is finely crafted from black walnut and hand-sculpted brass. A truly international product, these striking longboards are born from a collaboration between Crucible New York and a small company of traditional metal craftsmen in Kumasi, Ghana.

If you want one of these incredibly unique skateboards, don’t wait too long to order one. The Forge is only making 100.

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