Roman Candle Attack Drone 2.0

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Roman Candle Attack Drone 2.0

Roman Candle Attack Drone 2.0

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Demand for drones have climbed rapidly in the past few years that they’re no longer the specialized reconnaissance machines reserved exclusively for the military. Most people use them to film their outdoor adventures or take landscape shots from a unique perspective that isn’t possible with a normal camera.

Then, there are the oddballs that always like to twist things around to come up with something bizarre yet entertaining. In this video, Youtuber Andy Stewart attached 2 Roman Candles to his drone and hunts down his buddies as if they are rabbits for dinner. There were so many questions that went through our minds when watching this video clip, ranging from ‘what are these f*&%ing idiots doing?’ to ‘why are they half naked?’.

Though it’s all fun and games, it’s a bit unsettling to think what massive harm these drones would be capable of doing if they end up in the wrong hands.

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