Oakley Radar Pace

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Oakley Radar Pace

Oakley Radar Pace

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Although the more disciplined may not have any issues motivating themselves to train and exercise, most of us mere mortals need some kind of assistance to get motivated enough to push ourselves. That’s why we tend to achieve more with personal trainers and coaches constantly pushing our limits. The Oakley Radar Pace is a real-time voice activated coaching system that will not only motivate you but also keep you on track.

Developed in partnership with Intel, the Radar Pace will push you harder with a personalized training program. Built in accelerometer and gyroscope, as well as pressure, humidity, and proximity sensors measure all kinds of data to give you an accurate reading of your condition and work out. Additionally, external inputs from connected devices all add to the wholistic picture of how you are doing as well. You can control the Radar Pace with voice commands, while the touch pad on the temples can control volume, music, and calls with taps and swipes. So don’t let your next workout be a lonely one, but get motivated with the Oakley Radar Pace.

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