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Meet HUENIT: A Single Tool-Swapping Robot Arm

HUENIT has AI Vision, 3D printing, pen plotting, and even laser engraving in a single device.

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$ 599+

HUENIT, a robotics startup, has launched a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter for its multi-function robotic arm. The HUENIT modular robot arm is designed to utilize AI, 3D, laser, and robotics easily and quickly.  Its aim is to replace up to six devices with a single tool-swapping robot arm, which offers a 26.5oz payload, a 15.4-inch reach, around 19.7-inches per second speed, and around 0.002″ repeatability. The AI camera module is equipped with a 2-megapixel sensor and is capable of 30 frames per second. The camera module is also equipped with a 2.4-inch touchscreen display, speaker, and microphone for voice recognition and a handy 60 RGB LED matrix for animation and feedback.

“HUENIT is a modular robot arm designed to utilize AI, 3D, laser, and robotics easily and quickly,” comments Hallie Froggatt of her company’s design. “Using HUENIT, you can make all the ideas you imagine into reality.” HUENIT has a 2500mW laser with an automatic cooling system which is capable of cutting and engraving various materials like MDF, balsa, paper, wood, fabric, plywood, leather, and much more. Assuming that the HUENIT crowdfunding campaign successfully raises its required pledge goal and manufacturing progresses smoothly, worldwide shipping is expected to take place sometime around June 2022.

In case you missed it, check out the Amazon Astro home robot.