Matador FlatPak Toiletry Bottle

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Matador FlatPak Toiletry Bottle

Matador FlatPak Toiletry Bottle

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It’s a problem that plagues outdoor adventurers and frequent fliers alike. How do you handle traveling with shampoo, toothpaste, and other essential toiletry products? You need to maximize luggage space and travel as lightly as possible, ensure that they are easily accessible, and keep things from spilling.

The “packable adventure travel gear” specialists at Matador may have just found the ultimate answer with their FlatPak Toiletry Bottle. Composed of welded Cordura fabric and finished with a waterproof proprietary coating, these containers resemble an old-school hot water bottle far more than any traditional travel bottle that you may have used.

A single FlatPak bottle weighs in at just 11.5 grams. That’s 5 times lighter than a similar bottle made of silicone. When with the same amount of liquid, gel, or paste liquid, the FlatPak bottle is also 3.5 times more compact.

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