lofree Typewriter Inspired Keyboard

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lofree Typewriter Inspired Keyboard

lofree Typewriter Inspired Keyboard

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Remember that thing you read about in a magazine one time that looked like a computer keyboard without a computer? The thing that goes “CLACK CLACK CLACK” when you use it and that journalists in old-timey movies used to get their stores to the printer just before the deadline for the late edition of the paper? That was called a “typewriter” and its invention actually marked a pretty significant moment in human history. Though the personal computer came along and essentially killed it, there is still a place for the typewriter in this world — albeit a unique one.

The lofree typewriter-inspired keyboard is a fully wireless keyboard that is every bit as retro as it is elegant. It’s built with a unique set of Gateron switches that make it sound exactly like the typewriters you remember your grandparents using. The spherical round keycaps are intended to fit your fingers perfectly, giving you that much needed feeling of “being in control” that many thought was lost to the ages. Additional features include an optional wired mode (to really nail that “old school” feeling) and auto-sleep to preserve the battery. Likewise, it is compatible with not just the MacOS and Windows operating systems, but iOS as well. If you want to be “that guy” and use a keyboard on your iPhone, you now have that option available to you. What a time to be alive!

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