‘I Am C-3PO – The Inside Story’ by Anthony Daniels

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$ 18
‘I Am C-3PO – The Inside Story’ by Anthony Daniels

‘I Am C-3PO – The Inside Story’ by Anthony Daniels

Daniels’ perspective is perfect for the cinephile or Star Wars fan who wants intimate behind the scenes details of the films’ history.

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$ 18

From Peter Mayhew to Harrison Ford, the original Star Wars trilogy gave its cast members roles that would ingrain them into film history. Yet several of those roles gave their actors a much more obscure level of fame by placing them behind the masks of characters like Chewbacca and Boba Fett. I Am C-3PO – The Inside Story by Anthony Daniels gives insight into what it was like to be the actor behind the mask of one of the series’ most recognizable characters.
With a foreword written by director J.J. Abrams, the book gives an unparalleled look into the history of the series from the vantage point of an actor who has starred in more Star Wars episodes than anyone else. Daniels made the cast of 10 of 11 movies in the series. That unique perspective is perfect for the cinephile or Star Wars fan who wants intimate behind the scenes details of the films’ legacy.

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