Weighted blankets can help anyone sleep better. Once the domain of those with special sensory needs, the general public has discovered the delight of sleeping longer and better under an evenly weighted, low pressure blanket. The only problem is the excessive warmth they generate. While a welcome benefit in winter, you’re faced with an unfortunate yet familiar routine in the warmer months: blanket on, blanket off. Feet under, feet out. Struggling to fall asleep and waking up in the middle of the night sweating.
The Hush Iced Blanket is designed to eliminate that problem and prevent you from roasting under a weighted blanket you just don’t want to part with. Using a patent-pending blend of cotton and bamboo, the Hush Iced Blanket combines a cooling sensation with the soothing sensory components of a weighted blanket. Funded in hours on Kickstarter, it’s not too late to get one in preparation for the coming months.