Homesick State Candles

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Homesick State Candles

Homesick State Candles

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Scientific studies have shown that none of our five senses are more closely tied to the phenomena of memory and reminiscence than our sense of smell. When the olfactory neurones in the upper part of the nose detect a scent, they generate an impulse along the olfactory nerve, which connects directly to the forebrain’s olfactory bulb. This cluster of neurons is nestled among an area of the brain known as the limbic system. As the olfactory bulb interacts with the limbic system, it has a profound effect on limbic functions such as memory, behavior, mood, and emotion.

The state-themed product manufacturer Homesick has found a unique way to capitalize on the connection between scent and nostalgia with its State Candles Made entirely in the USA and composed of all-natural soy wax, these candles weigh just under 14 ounces apiece and typically burn for a total of 60 to 80 hours.

Homesick State Candles come in 52 distinct varieties. Homesick dedicates 49 of these candles to 49 US states, one candle to the US territory of Puerto Rico, and two candles to California (dividing the state into Northern and Southern regions). Scents produced by these candles range from the steeped bergamot tea and single-malt whiskey of Tennessee to the mountain spruce and glacial accents of Alaska.

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