Saturdays x Joya Studio Candles

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$ 35+
Saturdays x Joya Studio Candles

Saturdays x Joya Studio Candles

Time to step up your candle game with boutique level candles made using all-natural ingredients.

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$ 35+

Joya Studio has been hand pouring candles in NYC since 2006, entirely from locally-sourced, natural ingredients, so you’ll never have the overtly chemical and artificial smells most candles have. The packaging material is also sustainably produced, so no plastic or other non-environmental chemicals.

The Saturdays x Joya Studio Candles currently have two scent options: Santalum Cedrus and Citrus Paradisi. The former features nutty, sweet top notes of nutmeg and cinnamon, middle notes of clove, sandalwood, and cedarwood, and base notes of amber, balsam, and vetiver. Citrus Paradisi features top notes of grapefruit and patchouli, middle notes of violet, ginger, cypress, and lavender, and base notes of sandalwood, cedarwood, and amber.

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