Grovemade Task Knife

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$ 60+
Grovemade Task Knife

Grovemade Task Knife

The knife comes in black, stainless steel, and brass handles that can be housed by either a maple or walnut wood display.

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$ 60+

Nothing diminishes the professional look of a desk quite like a pair of large, bulky scissors. Their plastic handles stick out of any pen container, making your desk look more like an elementary school teacher’s than an industry-leading professional’s…but what else can you do? You need a cutting utensil on hand for projects and you can’t exactly leave a long knife just tucked in a side compartment somewhere. Luckily, the Grovemade Task Knife gives you an elegant-looking device that elevates any desk.

The knife comes in black, stainless steel, and brass handles that house the blade when it’s retracted. You’ll feel every ounce as it’s in your hand. It also neatly tucks into the hand-carved wood display, which comes in walnut and maple options. This is every bit of a cutting tool you need in an exceptional design that is right at home on your desk.

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