GRAYL Ultralight Water Purifier Bottle

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GRAYL Ultralight Water Purifier Bottle

GRAYL Ultralight Water Purifier Bottle

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A pair of global travelers, Nancie Weston and Travis Merrigan are deeply concerned about the poor quality of water that people around the world must endure every day. Although many communities turn to bottled water to solve this crisis, this solution leads to a whole new problem — global plastic pollution.

With these two issues in mind, Nancie and Travis founded GRAYL in 2012 with a single goal — to challenge the status quo by developing practical and durable water filtration/purification devices.

Building upon the success of its Water Filtration Cup, GRAYL recently released a product that it is billing as the “world’s best purifier and filter bottle.” The Ultralight Water Purifier Bottle can make clean, purified drinking water from virtually any source of fresh water in less than 15 seconds. Simply fill the bottle from a stream, lake, or suspect water tap. Then press down on the Ultralight Water Purifier Bottle to pass the water through an internal filter system that incorporates ultra-powered activated carbon, patented electroadsorptive media, and silver treated zeolites to remove particulates (such as sediment and algae), chemicals (such as chlorine and iodine), and heavy metals (such as lead and arsenic). This product also ensures that the drinking water is free protozoa, bacteria, and even viruses. Weather you’re worried about fracking chemicals or E. coli contamination, the GRAYL Ultralight Water Purifier Bottle can improve the overall health, taste, odor, and clarity of your water.

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