GORUCK’s Hard-Wearing Rucker 3.0

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GORUCK’s Hard-Wearing Rucker 3.0

GORUCK’s Hard-Wearing Rucker 3.0

The Rucker 3.0 has a lumbar support pad which matches the curve of your back to offer more comfort with the bag resting in the small of your back.

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Known as a gym worn on the back — without the monthly membership dues that go along with it — the GORUCK Rucker 3.0 is the first-ever rucksack built specifically for Ruck Plates. This, in addition to the updated features of the pack, combine to make it the best choice for GORUCK and RUCK PT events. The GORUCK Rucker 3.0 is constructed using non-abrasive fabric that makes wearing it shirtless possible and keeps the shoulders from chafing. Its newly redesigned training sternum strap ensures it properly disperses heavy loads.

Rucking is a type of endurance-training exercise that combines walking with a weighted rucksack and finds its roots in military training routines. Mastering the art of RUCKING produces character, builds endurance, and promotes physical and mental strength. Amazingly RUCKING burns up to three times as many calories as merely walking alone. However, without a pack designed especially for this simple, yet physically challenging exercise, it can get a bit difficult, leading to skin irritation and all sorts of other issues. Thankfully, the GORUCK Rucker 3.0 is specifically designed to be a Rucker’s best friend to help them build up their endurance by adding more weights. In addition to the many features that GORUCK Rucker 3.0 has added, the new Hi-Viz Reflective Safety Stripe allows for visibility and safety even at dusk and at night. This Rucker pack is ideal for the extremely rewarding sport of RUCKING and is a great investment for any RUCKER enthusiast. The Rucker 3.0 is available in either 20L or 25L, and efficiently stores everything necessary for excursions in the wild and multi-day business travel or hikes.

While on the subject of bags, check out Malle’s Escape Duffel.

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