Dry Ager Dry Aging Fridge

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Dry Ager Dry Aging Fridge

Dry Ager Dry Aging Fridge

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After thirty years of business operations, Germany’s Landig + Lava know a thing or two about dry aging meats. In fact, this family-owned company knows so much about the dry aging process that it has trademarked the term “Dry Ager” and sells its products under this brand name.

Anyone who has ever tasted aged beef knows the flavorful difference that the dry aging process can make. This process involves allowing large cuts of beef to season for several days to several weeks before being cut into steaks. In the end, these cuts of meat will not only taste better but develop a far more tender texture.

Recognized as an industry leader in more than 50 countries, the brand name Dry Ager fridge sets the modern standard for professional grade meat dry aging. In addition to aging beef, this unit can also be used to age ham, salami, and various pork products.

With extremely precise temperature and humidity controls, the Dry Ager is designed to create perfect conditions for the safe and effective aging of meat. It further combats the germs and bacteria that are the enemy of the dry aging process through features such as an integrated activated carbon filter and an active UVC-ventilated-disinfection system. These features serve to sterilize all of the air in the Dry Ager on a minute-by-minute basis.

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