Drift Boards

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Drift Boards

Drift Boards

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Outdoor adventurers who want move across snow have several options. Depending on the specific situation at hand, each of these options have their pros and cons. Snowshoes are great for stability, but they don’t exactly allow you to move like lightening. Cross-country and touring skis can allow for more rapid travel, but they can be cumbersome, and they don’t always work well in extremely deep snow.

A company founded by a pair of winter sports enthusiasts who also happen to be composite engineers, Drift has blended the best elements of the snowshoe and the cross-country/touring ski to create Drift Boards — the best way to traverse backcountry terrain in snowy conditions. The quickest and lightest product on the market for moving over deep snow, Drift Boards glide like skis but are as stable as snowshoes. They hold an edge on slick surfaces and fit perfectly in backcountry ski tracks. Forging a new trail? No product is better at breaking a path through virgin snow.

Handmade in the United States, Drift Boards are composed of ultra-lightweight carbon fiber with stainless steel hardware. One pair weighs only 3.75 pounds. That’s less than the weight of two liters of water. After you purchase your pair of Drift Boards, no other accessories are necessary for use. The product’s durable aluminum bindings work in conjunction with any boots.

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