Definitive Technology Announces Its Impressive Dymension Series Loudspeakers

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Definitive Technology Announces Its Impressive Dymension Series Loudspeakers

Definitive Technology Announces Its Impressive Dymension Series Loudspeakers

The BP9000s receive a long-overdue overhaul.

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Definitive Technology – or Def Tech, as it’s known among audiophiles – may not be the first name that comes to mind when talking about speakers. However, the Cali-based speaker company boasts serious sonic bona-fides: among its sister brands are Bowers & Wilkins, Marantz, and Boston Acoustics.

If that’s not enough, consider that Polk Audio co-founder Sandy Gross was also at the helm when Def Tech started in the early 90s. So, news about the company’s forthcoming update to the classic BP9000 is worth noticing.

The all-new Dymension Series features four bipolar towers, three center channel speakers, a height module, and a surround speaker for Atmos/DTS: X systems. The design is decidedly minimalist, with the speakers wrapped in what Def Tech calls an “acoustically transparent” black cloth that creates a classic look at home in nearly any room.

Those who opt for the massive 400W DM80s ($2,400 apiece) will find integrated 12” powered subwoofers that Def Tech bills as room-shaking. These troublemakers feature a high-performance GaN FET amplifier that delivers clear bass and consistent highs and mids to any point in the room. The speakers also include some proprietary tech to disperse audio across an expansive soundstage efficiently.

The DM80s (and their little brothers, the DM70s) can be connected with the DM90 Atmos-certified and DTS: X-compatible height module for total immersion. The flagship center channel speaker, the DM30, offers ultraclear vocals via its four 5.25” midrange woofers and an aluminum oxide tweeter. A built-in, powered 8” subwoofer promises to rattle teeth if abused. Though the flagships are best experienced together, customers can mix and match between the four towers and three center speakers.

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